Haunted Honeymoon with Kara and MTD - Movie Torture

Haunted Honeymoon with Kara and MTD - Movie Torture

The gang kicks off Valentine's month with Kara and MTD as they discuss the movie "Haunted Honeymoon" from 1986. This movie has little to discuss but as usual they have a blast talking about how bad this movie really is. Kara talks about how she got a note on her car for double parking, Brad talks about how much he loves Gene Wilder movies and Then Kara brings up her love for a future Movie Torture, "Nothing but Trouble" They talk about how great John Candy was and MTD reminds them that "Plains Trains and Automobiles" is a classic. They rank the fat guys which includes John Candy, Chris Farley and Kevin James. They also again wonder why people write reviews for a movie that is almost 40 years old.

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