Nothing but Trouble with Kara and MTD - Movie Torture

Nothing but Trouble with Kara and MTD - Movie Torture

On this week's episode the guys welcome Kara and they watch Kara's favorite movie, "Nothing But Trouble" from 1991. They start the chat off with club talk and Brad shares a story about how he went to Ross and bought shoes to go to a club to not be let in because of his looks and then he ended up in the club with Paris Hilton. They wonder why a journalist is living so high on the hog and how much his penthouse costs. They talk about how this town is def a redneck town. They wonder why John Candy is in this movie and Brad does a bad Brazilian accent. Plus, Brad again roasts MTD and Kara for their choice of car. Stay tuned for the most bonkers episode of Movie Torture if you don't like it you could end up in the bone crusher!

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